August 10, 2008


Well I must say I always said I would never be a mom that would be happy when it was time for my child to go back to school I thought it was so cold hearted BUT I must say I am a tad bit ready I will miss her and I know Hailey will miss her a ton but it is time to get back in the routine.(And for my poor house to stay clean for more than a minute yea!!!!) We had a fun filled summer full of adventure all summer long. Last weekend we decided to go on one last mini vacation so we went to the Zoo and then on to Park City overnight in which we did school shopping and the alpine slide and coaster it was way fun Hailey was to little but she got to ride the merry go round and she was in heaven. As for the Zoo it kind of sucked because the animals were way to hot so we didn't see most of them and what animals we did see were asleep. So I think we will stick to the zoo in the spring and the fall. Anyway so here are the few pictures of our trip enjoy I so forget to take pictures I am horrible.


emily said...

I love the title!:) I am right there with you...ready to get back into routine and get these kiddos off to school! It seems like I've been excited about it for so long that I can't believe it's actually time!:) Yipee! I don't think you're cold hearted at all!

W.H. said...

Cute pics! I can't believe it but I'm right there with you this year; Savannah will actually be going to pre-school! Jeremy and Kiya, thanks for coming to lunch! (Trixy, I forgot it was cleaning day, we love you!) We had fun; they were really slow though! I really can't believe our babies are one, and starting to do something new every day! It's insane! Well, have fun gearing up for school!

Dani said...

Glad to hear from you again! I'm afraid that I don't feel ready for school to start at all. Summer just isn't long enough! I'm glad that you were able to pack so much in. Sounds like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun summer! Don't you think it goes too fast? But, I think my Paige needs some structure, as do I!!

PB and JS said...

For me I am torn. I hate having to get CB ready everyday for school, and pick him up. It is nice not to have to worry about him, and entertain him all day though. I am glad you have started posting again. It makes me So excited.