Ok so Kiya and Hailey were upstairs visiting my Dad and Mom they came up this weekend Kiya was bringing Hailey back downstairs and went to lift her over the gate we have at the bottom of our stairs. She lifted her over and the gate fell and she droped Hailey right on our hardwood floor and as the gate fell Kiya fell on Hailey and knocked Hailey's head right down on the floor I about threw up when I picked her up and this is what we found the biggest goose egg I think I have ever seen. Her mouth was bleeding but that is ok and now she just has a swollen forehead and a big huge bruise the bad thing about it is we were going to have grandkid pictures tomorrow. We still are I hope makeup will cover it up any ideas????? Bruise or no bruise the pictures must go on. P.S. Kiya was just fine Hailey broke her fall!!!!!
Oh...my....gosh! I can't believe how huge that is! Crazy how they pop up so instantaneously, huh? Oh, I hope it goes down soon. Dang it. How long did it take for her to stop crying? That's so sad. Sorry...
Poor girls! I bet Kiya felt terrible. Glad their both okay though.
SO SAD!! Poor Hailey :(
Okay...so you didn't exagerate last night when I talked to you, I can't believe how giant that is. Poor little stink! Let me know how pics go and good luck with hiding that!!!
OK Trixy that is so much worse in those pictures then when I saw it. I can't even believe it! Poor girl.
Ouch, ouch, ouch! I noticed that at church. I remember when Sydney fell and got a black eye. I was so worried what people would think... Do you feel that way?!?
Ouch! Is all I can say. Poor thing. But the cute thing is she is still smiling after that. She is still beautiful shiner or no shiner. Hope pictures went well.
Awe, poor little girl... glad she's still grinning!
Holy Cow!!! That things huge! Poor kid!
That is seriously the biggest goose egg I have ever seen. Poor girl. She is still beautiful, though. Even with the bump. That is one pretty little girl.
Ow Wee!! Did mommy kiss her bboo boo better?
Wow that is horrible.
But she is still smiling.
She is so cute!
That takes the award for best shiner!!! Seriously...that looks like it hurts.
Oh Trixy! That poor little girl!! I bet Kiya felt TERRIBLE!!
Oh...my...heck!!! (I had planned on saying "gosh" but someone else already said that). I cannot believe that bump. Give her a hug for me.
Holy Crap!! That takes the cake. Poor little thing. :-( I'm glad she is okay. I hope pictures went well.
You need to post a follow up picture so everyone can know how well it healed!
That is so huge it looks fake! I hope she is ok! I miss you Trixy!
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