February 8, 2008

My First Post

Hey everyone well thanks to Michelle Cochran my blog is up and running after looking at everyone else's I don't think I can ever have mine as cute or crafty so any ideas I am open to. I guess I will learn as I go right. Kami I want blogging classes. Thanks Michelle


kami @ nobiggie.net said...

Welcome Blogger! I would love to come over and give lessons, only if it can count as V.T. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Trixy!! Maybe Kami could put together a workshop..I would be there :-)

Trixy said...

Thanks Guys of coarse it would count as VT. Lets have a Party with lots os junk food too k

Michelle C. said...

I only walked you through the steps. Have fun with it. Kami, I want lessons too.