Well I don't know what is worse watching your poor child get poked and put to sleep or watching her throw up, its a toss up. Anyway this morning I woke her up to eat at 4:40 because she had to be done eating at 5:00 A.M. she ate 7oz and I layed her back down and didn't hear a peep out of her until 7:30 when I went in to get her she had throw up all over her and her blankets I just thought it was because she ate 7 oz when she is only used to eating 5 so I proceeded to get ready for our crapy day that awaited us, after her throwing up 3 more times in a 1/2 hour period I decided to call the hospital and see what they wanted us to do they didn't want to sudate her with her throwing up so they rescheduled her for next wednesday. YEA I get to stress out for another week fun for me. I told her she planed it I knew it and she smiled SOOOOOOOOO big it was cute. Anyway she still is feeling yucky and hasn't ate anything I did manage to get 4 oz of pedialyte in her which she threw up about a hour after so I guess will just keep trying to keep her hydrated. If it is not one thing it is the other at our house. I just have to keep telling myself 1 day at a time so I won't be committed to the crazy bin. That is how I have to survive these days 1 day at a time. She is SOOOOOO worth it though I wouldn't trade her for nothing. So I guess until next week she is saved from being poked and we will update next week on her. And Im praying that no one else gets it. Thanks to all of you who are praying for us it means a lot thanks for calling me today Michelle I love ya