September 9, 2008

Wii start them young

Well Hailey's favorite thing to do is play wii with her Dad and Sister she is so dang funny I thought I would share with you. The funny thing is, I think she really thinks she is playing. They learn so fast if she keeps it up she will be a pro by the time she is 2, her Uncle Josh would be proud of her.


Tricia said...

So cute, Trixy... we haven't gotten a wii yet... but we all WANT one. My only problem is that I look like such a dork playing it, and run into furniture, etc. I guess if I'm gonna look like a dork, I ought to at least stay home and look like one! ;)

PB and JS said...

I love Hailey she is so cute.

Keith and Sandy said...

how dang cute is that! I can't wait to show keith and the kids.

J Glazier said...

She is soo cute!! I love her little laugh and her hair is always adorable. I miss a baby girl around the house :)

Dani said...

So darn cute! Isn't is funny how they just know what to do? I love her laugh! I also love your new Halloween themed page... I love getting ready for Halloween too!

Anonymous said...

I love your title! My kids love "Guitar Hero" and think they are playing... hey, whatever makes them happy!

Laura Lee said...

That is so fun!! You guys are much more fun than us - We don't even have a Wii. I think we are depriving them??

Holly said...

How cute is she!!! Love her little giggle!!!

Melea said...

O' My Goodness. It was great to see pictures of your family. They are absolutely beautiful. Joey is good. He got married 2 weeks ago and is finally clean after many years of addiction. He is doing great.
Great to see you.

Melea said...

That is great. I'm adding you to mine also:)

Leandra said...

oh my gosh! that is the best thing I have ever seen! i love that she is just giggling while she does it! I can't wait to see haileys name next time we all race online:)

The Harding Hive said...

That is so funny, Trixy. I love it.

W.H. said...

Adorable!!!! Could she get any cuter? I keep asking myself that and then she proves that of course she can!