Of Coarse her pink Ipod nano and her two front teeth!! the other night she worked and worked to get her tooth out she got it so loose and then as always chickens out to pull it out so finally at 11:30 P.M. I had had it and wanted to go to sleep so she finally gave in to letting me pull it and as always freaked out right before. I was so tired I grabbed her put her in a head lock and grabbed it and yanked it what a mean mom huh. She has done the other teeth all the same way she screams the whole 2seconds that it takes and then is soooooo excited that the tooth fairy will come she is too cute. The other front tooth is almost there so I am sure by Christmas she will be our toothless Kiya. Now the funny thing is with all of her teeth they have always came out at 10:00 p.m. or later what is up with this so she thinks she has the coolest tooth fairy ever because we are so tired that we go to the ATM and what comes out is $10.00 we are way to lazy to go get change so that is what the tooth fairy always has brought her WOW I think my biggest $$ from the tooth fairy was mabey $2.00 or $3.00 what is up with the tooth fairy's these days. So when she lost this tooth I told Jeremy it was his turn to go to the ATM and the next morning Kiya came running in and said mom silly tooth fairy she forgot my tooth. I said well she must have been very tried so she will come back for it, she wrote the cutest note and then put it with the tooth she was even more excited when the tooth fairy took her letter with her tooth. I told Jeremy he was fired from the tooth fairy job I guess its a girls job!!!!