I can't believe 1 year has passed it has went fast and slow all at the same time, it has been a hard year that is for sure but we feel so blessed that she is healthy, growing, and happy. We just thought she was little only weighing in at 14 1/2 lbs but we have learned she may be little but she has a BIG ATTITUDE!!! Wait I thought that was suppost to come at the age of 2. We were at Kiya's dance comp yeterday and Kiya had a necklace we had just bought her Hailey went to grab it and Kiya walked away, Hailey let out a scream like you couldn't believe. So the spoiledness has began as I went back out and bought Hailey one. Well I will post birthday pictures tomorrow but we just wanted Hailey to know how much we love her and we feel so blessed that she was sent to our family we love you Hailey HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!